Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Farmer

Last week, I was walking through our garden that we plowed under in September, wrapped up in my Carhartt jacket and boots. It was 55 degrees and in case you aren't well versed in the terms "y'all" and "Roll Tide" and "Bless your heart," in Alabama, we call that COLD! As I avoided stepping on the fall crops, I was completely surprised to walk up in the bean patch and find a perfectly healthy (and beautiful) rattlesnake bean plant.  (See Picture) Why was I surprised, you ask?  Well, because I'm the farmer, and just last month, I, myself, decided it was the right time to plow all the bean plants down.  They had served their purpose. I didn't need them anymore.  They had given me all they had.  And I was done with them.  So, I decided to plow them under to make room for something I deemed worthy of its valuable space.

Well, God said I was wrong.

Sometimes the farmer knocks down the plant before it is ready to die.  God plants seeds inside of us and sometimes they take time to bloom.  Who tends those seeds is our choice.  If your farmer is having a hard time trusting God in a particular season, he'll accidentally plow down a plant before it has had a chance to bear its best fruit.  (Numbers 19:12) An impatient farmer will kill the plant before it blooms, never realizing the consequence of his actions.

Your farmer isn't necessarily bad. Some farmers just aren't YOUR farmer for YOUR season.  You wouldn't trust a dentist to cut you hair would you?  NO!  Your farmer has influence on your life and destiny.  Choose your farmers wisely!

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