Monday, November 2, 2015

A Life Worthy of My Calling

A few years ago, I was called to go to Ecuador. I just knew in my heart that God had work for me to do there. The calling was clear but the provision wasn't there yet. So I left it alone and continued serving in ministry where I was.

I have also been called to children's ministry, and one of the biggest issues in Ecuador is the corrupted society. Because the Ecuadorians have been without Christ for so long, sin has been allowed to corrupt every aspect of their lives, including their children. It has caused young girls to lose their childhood and their innocence and I really feel led to give my heart to that area, so come hell or high waters, I will go.

I have been blessed to live a lifestyle that is ripped out of their hands at a very young age. 
 A lifestyle of purity.
Many girls In Ecuador are abused before they are even considered a teenager. And it makes me sick to sit in my cushy chair in my comfortable house, with a warm cup of coffee in my hands, listening while beautiful, well produced worship music flows from the speakers of my top-of-the-line, 60 inch television while I know what they are going through.
That is my story, and by the power of the Cross, and I'm sticking to it.

But, I need your help... 

If you would like to help me get to Ecuador, please send me an email at and I'll tell you how you can help.

If you would like to learn more about the amazing things that are happening for the Glory of God in the jungles of Ecuador, go to: